Amnesia The Dark Descent Escape From Prison Cell

Northern Block of the Prison - It it massive with unsettling moments. My first real low-pitch scream came from this level back in 2014. Storage - It's unnatural darkness and overall creepy flashbacks. The large room down the hall from Agrippa. It's the second time you enter that room with 8 cells when there is that haunting flashback. Take the cell bar. Go to the wall next to the cell gate and look around at the bricks. Some bricks can be used and a message will tell you they're 'loose'. Use the cell bar on the bricks and pull. Amnesia is a adventure/horror survival game. It has placed a large emphasis on atmosphere and immersion. It's best to play the game at night, alone, inside of a dark room, and wearing headphones.


a)Whatis this?

i)Detailed Walkthrough for the DLC for Amnesia: The Dark DescentAmnesia: Justine.

b)Whoam I?

i)My screen name is RootbeerGamer42, RBG42 forshort.


a)Thegame is intended to be scary, I highly recommend playing the main game if youhave not!

i)There is an excellent walkthrough I used for themain game. The link to that will be at the end of the document.

b)Thiswalkthrough will be 100%, meaning it will cover everything that is achievablefrom head to toe in the game.


Table of Contents:

I.Basic Controls

II.What to know

III.Recommended Strategy

IV.The Story


ii.The First Phonograph

iii.Prison Room

iv.Wax Cylinder


vi.The Secret Phonograph

vii.To The Library

viii.The Library

ix.The Potato Room



xii.The Final Chapter

xiii.And so it All Comes to an End




*Picking Up Objects - Left click on anything where yourmouse cursor becomes a hand and you will be able to pick it up by moving themouse. - Pick Up

*Moving Picked Up ObjectsCloser Or Farther Away – Pick up an object then move the mouse wheel towards oraway from you to move the object the same.

*Throwing Objects - Pick up any object and then right click.

*Moving Objects - Some objects are too heavy to pick up.To move heavy objects, left click on it and then move the player in thedirection you want to push or pull it.

*Running - Simply hold down L-Shift as you move around.

*The first thing that you haveto know about this game is that there is no way of fighting back against yourenemy. Your only options are to run away or hide. Sometimes, you can avoidbeing detected by engulfing yourself in darkness.

*Another thing to note is yoursanity; your sanity plays an important role in the game, as it did in Amnesia: Dark Descent. Your sanitydrains if you stay in the dark for too long without any means of light. Youshould be able to notice when your sanity is being affected, but to be sure,your sanity is represented by the visibility of your character, it’s a verycool concept. The worse the condition of your sanity is, the more your visionwill become blurry and wavy, and your player will prove to be more difficult tocontrol, as if she were disorientated.

Most of what you want to do will be similar to what youdid in Amnesia: The Dark Descent. SoI’ll have what I think is important in this DLC.

*Conserve Tinderboxes: You will only find a certainamount of tinderboxes in the game, they are sort of scarce, but don’t freak outjust yet, there will be at least one or two extra for use.

*Always close doors behind you: This may seem a bitillogical, but the chances of a monster seeing you through a closed door areslim ;).

*Finally, Don’t Panic. In Amnesia: The Dark Descent you had tohave been overtaken by fear at some point. If you hear a strange sound, don’tpanic, that will just throw you off, but if you did see a monster… well, that’san exception.


IV. The story

Amnesia The Dark Descent Escape From Prison Cellar

1. Introduction

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The game fades into a scene wherethe player is fumbling around in a jail cell. Before you can even move, you seea monster through the cell gate! Don’t worry, he starts walking away as themusic wears off.

2. The FirstPhonograph

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As you gaincontrol of the player, you will see an old record player in front of you, and atable beside it that holds a candle. If you look around you will see a rope istied to the handle of the record player. The rope is attached to a pulley systemwhich has the lantern! The lantern doesn’t serve any purpose in this game incontrast to the main game.

Once you feelready to go, crank up the record player and listen to what the mystery womanhas to say. The woman simply tells you that this is part of a study. Once youare done you will find the lantern you saw earlier is now in reachabledistance, grab the lantern and the rope will tighten breaking its attachment tothe cell door, allowing you to exit the small room. Once you’re ready, proceedalong the path. For the sake of this walkthrough, there is an item that you canget in this area. Follow these directions to get the broken ladder: Walkforward, turn at the corner. As you round the corner you will find two pathsyou can take, right or straight. To the right is a dead end, so go straight. Asyou turn left here, you will see a monster, but don’t panic, even if he seesyou; he seems to be leaving the area. Go left when you can and follow that pathto get the broken ladder. Turn back and face the door on the left, go throughit.

3. Prison Room

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Once you exitthe hallways you find yourself in a room with a lot more prison cells. In eachof these cells you will hear a strange sound, most of them will be your imaginationso don’t be worried. Go into the cell immediately to your right, Cell 1, youwill find a violin here and hear some creepy music. Go and search the cell inthe middle-right of the room, you will hear a sound here, as if someone werescratching on the walls, nothing to be afraid of. Enter the final cell on theright side of the room to find a note and some scribbles on the table and thewall. For the note, refer to the Notes section (Note 1).

Now it’s timeto inspect the prison cells on the left side of the room. Go straight to thethird cell on the left side of the room (VI),where, after a while you will hear a man mumbling. Exit, and go to themiddle-left cell where… Yikes!.. you will find a man on the table who waspresumably being tortured before you arrived. The man will speak to you, butignore him. Be aware that there is much more to do in this room, so whateveryou do, do Not pull the lever to the right of the middle-left cell – which willkill the guy.

As you enterthe final cell on the left side of the room, you will hear a monster growl,this time it’s for real. Don’t read the note on the ground just yet, wait untilthe monster is gone to read it. Once you hear the bashing of a metallic door,and the ‘dangerous’ music stops, the monster is gone. For more informationabout the note, refer to the notes section – Note 2. If the scary music isstill playing, the monster is still lurking around, hide in the corner until itstops. After you read the note you should obtain the Wax Cylinder.

4. The Wax Cylinder

* * *

The WaxCylinder is in a location that is unreachable, which means it’s time to getphysical. You will need to stack boxes to get to the item. The Wax Cylinder ison the little balcony deal right above the first cell on you left when youenter the room (the cell you should be at now). There are some boxes by thecell where the man was being tortured. The item opens up a cool Easter egg thatis not necessary to complete the game.

If you don’t want to get the WaxCylinder go ahead and read the Prison Escape Solution 1. The other way to getout of the room, without killing the other prisoner is described in the PrisonEscape Solution 2.

Escape Solution 1

Pull the lever near the middle-left jail cell a couple oftimes, killing the man in the cell and causing a ladder to fall from an opentrap door in the ceiling. Climb up the ladder to exit the Prison Room.

Escape Solution 2

Throw a box at the trap door in theceiling to open it (the trap door is between the third prison cells on the left& right side, on the ceiling). To get up to the exit you will need to stackmore boxes! About three will do the trick, on top of the stacked boxes selectthe broken ladder from your inventory, jump and place it on the edge adjacentto the trap door. Climb up the ladder and exit the Prison Room.

If you gethurt, there is a Laudanum on the table next to the first jail cell on the rightfrom entering the room, if you didn’t get it earlier.

5. Tunnels

* * * * * *

These tunnels seem creepy, but in common sense, how could amonster fit in here? (Would it be smart enough to crouch?) As you proceed youwill hear a monster growl and some familiar music. You may be a bit reluctantto continue, but it really is nothing. Following the music is the sound ofwalls crumbling. As you proceed you will have a choice to go left or right,both of them lead to the same place, so you can go left or right. Eventuallyyou will come across a similar choice, going right here will do you no good asit is a dead end and there is nothing to collect, so go left, downwards, andfall through the hole – you will get hurt a little.

6. The SecretPhonograph

* * * * * *

In the new area, you will find a phonograph that does nothave a cylinder in it. Use the Wax Cylinder on it, and crank the record playerand listen. The message is a conversation between Justine and one of hersuitors, she apparently tainted the man’s wine; she is playing one of her‘games’, she blinds the man in some strange process, (the man seems to betrapped in some “thing”) and the man threatens to kill Justine – How Rude.

7. To The Library

* * * * * *

In this new area proceed down the hall and go into the roomon your left. The room is most likely a torture room, there are some strangepictures on the wall, a phonograph, and a note (refer to the note section forinformation on the note, Note - 3). Read the note, touch the fireplace XD, andthen listen to the phonograph. The woman, who we find out is Justine,congratulates you on your progress, she goes on to hope you saved the man thatwas being tortured in the Prison Room… well you didn’t kill him. Exit the roomand head down the stairs to the library.

8. The Library

* * * * * *

Once you’re insidethe library, gather your bearings, and… AHHH!.. Don’t panic, they are just statues,no matter how intimidating, they won’t come to life. Play and listen to thephonograph next to you. There are four slides you can get in this area. One ineach room. There are no monsters yet so don’t get to afraid (not assuming youwill). In the first room, on your right, you will find Slide 1, a note, and twotinderboxes (in the desk). Read more about this note in the note section – Note4. Grab the goodies and enter the room straight ahead. You should easily beable to find the Slide and the two tinderboxes in this room, exit the room, goleft, then enter the door to your left. This room is filled with bookshelves –there is one tinderbox and a Slide in this room (grab them). Exit the room andgo to the room straight ahead. This room has another torture device, The‘Puzzle-Box’, and the final Slide. Before you tamper with the puzzle box, youcan play with the light box in the remaining room (you need to light up the boxwith a tinderbox, and place slides in the rectangular hole), if you choose notto, make you way to The Puzzle Box.

Puzzle Box Solution

There are two slots and a lever here. Place Slide 4 in thetop slot, and Slide 3 in the bottom slot, and pull the lever. The guy behindthe box is free and a new path will open. If you mess up the guy behind thedevice won’t die at first (you have a few tries).

If you saw the secret passage in the room with thebookshelves before, good for you! Once the man is free or dead, go into theroom with the bookshelves and through the new path at the end of the room. Atthe bottom of the first flight of stairs is a phonograph. It speaks of FatherDavid (in the game, was the guy behind the puzzle box [he was a priest]), ittalks about politics too. Go through the door at the very bottom of the stairs.

Amnesia the dark descent trainer

9. The Potato Room

* * * * * *

Depending on your standards, this can be the scariest roomin the game as you come face to face with a monster. In this room make sure youcrouch and don’t run at ALL; the monster in this room is blind, but he can hearyou, if he does, well you should make a run for it. Your player will mostlikely pass out in this room if you wait too long, in that case light sometorches, which won’t enable the monster to find you any better. Whenever yousee an opening, slowly make your way forward in the room. As you come to theend of the room, regardless of what you do, the monster will hear you (orsomething) and chase you. The music will change and you should run for theexit. Just make sure the monster isn’t anywhere near you as you come close tothe two chairs at the end of the room.

Amnesia The Dark Descent Monster

10. Water…

* * * * * *

Congratulations you made it. I hope you did anyways. Thisroom has a phonograph, play and listen to it. It doesn’t really explainanything, mainly says good job for coming this far. Open the door and… Aw,Dang… Water, don’t worry, there is no water monster yet. Go into the shallowwater and open the door. You will be in a large room that has three doors. Onestraight ahead, which is a mechanical door, one to the left, and one to theright. The door to the left is locked (in due time a monster will come out ofthe door), so go straight, and you will see that the door ahead has no lever tooperate it. Go right, through all the doors and in this new room, there are alot of boxes, a note, and a lever! There is more information about the note inthe notes section – Note 5. The note is on top of the shelves on the rightside, and the lever is on the boxes to the left. Grab the lever then read thenote. Head back to the main room, stick the lever in its place, and pull it(this is where the monster starts chasing you, so if you want make somepreparations for a chase and wait to pull the lever) - There are a few thingsyou should know real quickly: Each of these mechanical doors has a way to shutit, the monster takes a real long time to break through the doors. This watermonster is also visible. Once you are ready, pull the lever, run through thedoor and make sure to close it - the lever on your left closes the door. Notime to waste, in the new room, run for door on your right grab the cog you seeand run back to the previous room, run to room straight ahead and place the cogin its place. Run back and open the mechanical door in the main room, and closeit behind you. In the new room close the door that has the guy in it (so themonster can’t kill him, therefore saving his life), run to the door at the endof the room (if the monster breaks in at this point get out of the water, waitfor it to venture over to another door, and quickly, quietly, turn the wheeland run), turn the wheel and run through the opening, don’t worry about closingit. Jump over any obstacles and exit when you can.

11. Crypt

* * * * * *

Good going, you just got through another stressful situation.The phonograph here hope you saved the man before. Open the door ahead and gointo the crypt. There is nothing to fear in this room. The aperture on you lefthas a letter and a touchable gravestone. Read about the letter in the notesection – Note 6. The aperture on your right, or straight ahead, has a statueof a women that is touchable, no pun intended. Once you are done, head to theend of the room where there is a phonograph and a bunch of disturbing pictures.

The phonograph reveals several things about the game as wellit gives you a hefty congratulations, you have conquered her cabinet!

12. The FinalChapter

* * * * * *

Through the door are halls with words written in blood<shiver>. Move through the hall with ease, there are no choices to bemade here, you will end up in the same place no matter where you turn.

13. And so it AllComes to an End

* * * * * *

See that wasn’t too bad, the halls, the girl’s laughter, the blood on the wall, totally normal! As you enter the next room the door behind you slams shut. Justine’s voice play in the player’s head.
Wait a second, the walls are closing in.
In about 30 seconds you will collapse, and the walls will retreat. The voice complements you, and calls you Justine, you were playing as her the whole time. Exit the room and the game comes to a conclusion.

Dark Descent Store

Well done, you just completedthe DLC to Amnesia: The Dark Descent.Whether this is your first time playing or you are playing again to get a rush.

ThanksFor Choosing This Walkthrough.


V. Endings

The Differences between thegame endings are what to prisoners say at the end (when Justine bars the door);if you save all of them, they are grateful, if you saved none of them, they aremad.

Note1 - A letter to Justine from a potential suitor - He says his love is strongerfor her than the others. He is obsessed with her as he is cutting himself andcontemplating killing a man.

Note2 – A New Plan – This note explains a crime Justine committed. It isn’t rightto throw her in jail as they have no evidence. So if a Doctor could prove her ahysteric, mental, then they can lock her up.

Amnesia The Dark Descent Escape From Prison Cells

Note 3 – Newspaper Article –19 March, 1858

ǂ Travesty at the Conservatory ǂ

Thisnote describes a violin performance. The violin virtuoso, Malo de Vigny, wasintoxicated and collapsed after a series of events on stage.

Note4 – Results – This note seems to be explaining a trail that Justine isperforming. That she always chooses 2 slides that have the characters facingthe same way, she doesn’t understand why.

Note5 – Unopened Letter – If you have played the main game this note is a blastfrom the past. It is a note from Daniel!It is about the stone orb he found in the deserts of Algeria. He isseeking Professor Herbert, and he asks Justine if she knows where to find him.

Amnesia The Dark Descent Free Download Pc

Note6 –Unfinished Letter – This is a note from Justine’s father to ProfessorHerbert, he is discussing his relationship with her, and the results of some ofher tests.